Considering a pet but not really a pet person? Here’s why a fish might be a great starting point for you.
Many households own a handful of pets. They are cute and cuddly, affectionate and keep us company. They help our children develop empathy and a sense of responsibility. They motivate us to go outside for a walk and to meet other owners.
They help us get our fix when we want another baby but our other half is done with having children. No matter how much we care for them, they almost always show us more love in return.
What if you’re not a pet person though? What if life is too busy and the last thing you need is a pet to look after? Consider starting small.
Here are 7 reasons why a fish might make a great pet:
1. Easy
Getting a fish isn’t a difficult venture. All you need is a tank, a pump, fish food and your fish. Optional extras are some water plants, pebbles, a light and some snails (water neutraliser drops). You don’t have to make it complicated. You can decide on the day to buy them, go and get the stuff, and have it all finished within a few hours. This is perfect for those who are busy and have a lot on their mind.
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2. Start small
You don’t have to buy a huge tank and all the fancy accessories. Why not start with a small bowl or tank and see how you go. See if it looks good in your room. See how you manage it – does it get algae and need to be cleaned often? Are there too many fish for the space? Is it a good size for you? You might find that small is good and that is all you need.
Alternatively, you might be surprised with how much you love owning fish and want to upgrade your tank size. At least when you do it this way, you know that you’re ready for a bigger tank and not just getting excited before you start.

3. Hard to kill
This reason might sound ridiculous but if you’re not really a pet person, and not used to having to care for an animal, going straight for a puppy is a big step. They need lots of care, as do cats, rabbits, birds and the like. At least fish are pretty resilient.
As long as you buy the right type and listen to advice from your local shop, remember to feed them and keep the tank clean, they should stay alive. If you happen to kill one, they are pretty easy and inexpensive to replace (and your kid might not even notice, unlike a dog). Make sure to check pumps are in working order and replace filters when needed.
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4. Cheap
Considering your financial situation before deciding on a pet is a wise move. Fish make wonderful pets, especially young families, because they don’t cost much. Unless you are planning to have six foot aquariums in your house with designer fish, they don’t cost much to purchase.
I was given a free fish tank and bought five guppies ($12). After a day I surprised myself with how much I loved it. I also realised that I needed a pump. I found someone selling a tank and handful of accessories for $25, bought some more guppies ($12), 10 snails ($5), two aqua plants ($18), fish food for $10, drops for the water ($12). Came to $94. I could have spent less but wanted real plants rather than the plastic ones, and figured the snails would help eat some of the algae. It’s been three weeks and I haven’t spent any more money.
Owning a pet can be incredibly expensive with vet bills, and even with insurance, there can be huge out of the pocket expenses. It can be so stressful for those on low incomes. Starting with something simple like a fish means you don’t have to worry about desexing, worming, microchipping, or unexpected injuries or sickness. There’s no need for doggy daycare or boarding houses.

5. Low maintenance
Owning a fish is a wise choice for those with busy schedules. You don’t need to enrol them in puppy training or teach them any tricks. You don’t need to train them to go outside to do their business or pick up after them on the lawn. You don’t need to walk them. No need to wash them or cut their hair. You don’t need to entertain them or worry about what they’re getting up to in your house or yard while you’re out at work. They won’t bother the neighbours with their barking.
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6. Calming
I recently taught a class that had a fish tank in the back of the room. I couldn’t help but to be drawn to it and watch them swim around. Hearing the water trickle had such a calming effect on me and I just knew I needed to get one for home. I’m so glad I did. I still can’t help but watch them swim around and interact with their surroundings. The novelty hasn’t worn off yet and I love the sense of calm it has brought to our family room. For someone who is openly not a pet person, this has surprised me.
7. Breed easily
Species like the guppy can breed quickly and without much fuss. Witnessing fish hatch from eggs can be exciting for children. It could become a potential side hustle for them by allowing them to sell any excess fish or snails. They could help with the process of taking photos, writing a description, helping to show the customer the tank and collecting the money after the sale. This could be good practice before trying something like chickens that would take considerable more time and work but would produce eggs to use and sell.
It’s important to note that Facebook Marketplace and Gumtree have strict policies on selling animals. It can be difficult, if not impossible to create a listing.
In summary, taking time to consider what type of pet is right for you and your stage of life is important. Asking questions like the following can help you decide:
Do I need a pet right now?
Can I afford to buy a pet?
Can I afford veterinarian treatment if it becomes sick or injured?
What type or breed would be best suited to us?
Do I have time to care for a pet?
Do I have energy to manage and care for it’s needs?
Do I have space in my house and yard for a pet?
Am I committed to keeping a pet for the long haul?
What will I do with it when I go on holidays?
Choosing a pet that is easy and cheap to set up, and low maintenance to keep alive can be an excellent starting point. Once you know that you can manage something like a fish, you can look into owning a different type of pet. Why not buy a few guppies and see if you love them just as much as I do.
I’d love to connect with you over on Instagram or Facebook.
Melanie Wegener