Minimalism & Decluttering

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What Is The Buy Nothing Project?

Imagine a world where we didn’t have to pay for anything. Imagine if we only had to buy what we really need to and the rest we could share around. Imagine if we got back to basics and rediscovered what real community was.

If you haven’t heard of the Buy Nothing Project yet, you’re in for a treat. It is an initiative that is growing in popularity by the day. It is changing the way that we do things.


Ways To Make Your Home More Comfortable

As a homeowner, you will want your house to be as comfortable as possible.

It’s ok to spend money on updating your home to make it more comfortable. After all, you come home and want to spend time there relaxing. Hence, if it is comfortable, you can do that.

Melanie Wegener, Money Savvy Mamma

My Financial Story – Confessions of A Shopaholic At Heart

I have a confession to make about my financial story. I haven’t always been good with money. In fact, I’m more of a collector and spender than minimalist and saver. It’s just who I am.

I realise that it’s a bit ironic that I have a page about being money savvy. For many financial bloggers or finfluencers, they are great with money. It’s who they are, it’s what they do.


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