Minimalism & Decluttering

9 ways to teach your children about contentment in a consumer-driven world

9 Ways To Teach Contentment In A Consumer-Driven World

Many parents today are struggling to navigate this consumer-driven world we live in. We have access to too much information.

We have too many options for what to stream and watch. We have endless podcasts and audiobooks to listen to. Youtube provides us with unlimited videos of everyday experts on every topic imaginable. We can be constantly entertained, educated, enlightened and engaged.

With this comes advertising in every form. It’s hard to avoid.

Our children are feeling it too. They often have too many toys. They are invited to too many birthday parties. They have too many extracurricular activities and are over scheduled. The overwhelm is real.

Here are nine ways that we can teach our children about contentment in a consumer-driven world.

Photo by Timothy Hales Bennett on Unsplash

12 Tips For Selling On Marketplace

Thanks to Facebook Marketplace, selling secondhand items has never been easier. We can post virtually anything for sale and almost always find a buyer. Selling on Marketplace can be a brilliant way to both part with your excess stuff and make quick cash.


Reflecting On Covid Isolation: Why It Wasn’t All Bad

Adjusting to life in Covid isolation was a lot to take in. When it all got real in Australia and our prime minister began regular media conferences, I found it unsettling and stressful. I’d just start to wrap my head around one restriction, only for this to change several days or even hours later. I felt like everything I did, and every decision I made was wrong somehow.

As a stay at home mother to two young children, I felt the isolation profoundly. I didn’t have an escape. All of our regular activities had been cancelled.


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