Reflections in Spring Part 2
October and November seemed to have disappeared in a flash. I’ve decided to combine these months together. I honestly can’t
October and November seemed to have disappeared in a flash. I’ve decided to combine these months together. I honestly can’t
This month, I’ve decided to try something a little different. Teaching Brave posts monthly diary entries to her site which has inspired me to give it a go myself. Be sure to check out her wonderful pages for education, parenting and money matters content.
Like all months, September has been filled with ups and downs. There have been challenges and wins. I have been reflecting and learning. I am a work in progress, though I guess, aren’t we all?
Life can get overwhelming at times. One minute we are going okay and the next, we can barely cope. We
Before I had kids, I never got into decluttering. The stuff didn’t bother me. I had so much stuff. I
Looking for an educational app for your child that will help them learn to read? Look no further. Reading Eggs
I have a confession to make about my financial story. I haven’t always been good with money. In fact, I’m more of a collector and spender than minimalist and saver. It’s just who I am.
I realise that it’s a bit ironic that I have a page about being money savvy. For many financial bloggers or finfluencers, they are great with money. It’s who they are, it’s what they do.
Being a good parent doesn’t mean we have to enrol our children in unlimited extracurricular activities. In fact, putting limits
Many parents today are struggling to navigate this consumer-driven world we live in. We have access to too much information.
We have too many options for what to stream and watch. We have endless podcasts and audiobooks to listen to. Youtube provides us with unlimited videos of everyday experts on every topic imaginable. We can be constantly entertained, educated, enlightened and engaged.
With this comes advertising in every form. It’s hard to avoid.
Our children are feeling it too. They often have too many toys. They are invited to too many birthday parties. They have too many extracurricular activities and are over scheduled. The overwhelm is real.
Here are nine ways that we can teach our children about contentment in a consumer-driven world.
Considering a pet but not really a pet person? Here’s why a fish might be a great starting point for
I recently posted about my laundry routine hacks that keep me sane. While I love these and they have changed
Doing the laundry is one of those jobs that never feels done. We always wear clothes so there’s always something
How many times have you uttered these words: “I’m just a …” I’m just a mum. I’m just a relief
Getting children into bed at the end of a busy day is no easy feat. We are exhausted. They are
Need to buy a child’s gift and don’t know what to get? It feels like there is always someone to
Got an interesting story to tell?… an important message to get out into the world? Or are you really ‘in the know’ on certain topics? I’d love to talk further about the possibilities.
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