Signs You Need to Be Focusing More on Self-Care

Sign saying, 'self-care isn't selfish.'

If you want to try and focus more on self-care then you have come to the right place. Here are some of the top signs that you aren’t taking care of yourself as much as you could be.

1. You’re Tired

Everyone gets tired at some points, but if you feel as though you are more tired than you should be then this is a major sign that something has to change. Moving your body to the point where you are exhausted has its benefits. Regular exercise is great if you want to enhance your cardiovascular health and it can also help you to improve sleep quality. You may find that you are able to reduce stress as a result.

Feeling tired all the time, especially for extended periods of time can have a negative impact on your health as you may find that you end up with a compromised immune system and that you also struggle with low mood. If this is the case then you have to make sure that you are getting at least 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night. The amount of sleep you need will depend on you as an individual, so try and keep that in mind if you can.

2. You have No Mojo

Do you find that you are a bit of a people-pleaser? Maybe you bend over backwards all the time for others even though it has an impact on your personality If you want to help yourself here then one thing you can do is try and focus on your own problems rather than letting other people get in your way. The last thing you want is to put other people before you if they are not doing it back. When your ability to maintain good boundaries fades, you may find that the quality of your relationships does too, which is the last thing you need. Avoid losing your mojo by simply trying to learn how to set boundaries.

3. You Can’t Remember The Last Time You Saw Your GP

If you truly cannot remember the last time you saw your GP then this is a major sign that you have to take a step forward with your health. Book in with an Illawarra GP and have a health check if you know that you have not had one in a while. If you can do this then you will soon find that it is possible to get the help you need with your mind and your body. 

Your GP should be able to check your blood pressure and they should be able to guide you through any medication you may need to take. They can also assess the help of your kids, so try and keep that in mind as it could make a major difference to their health while uncovering any health issues you may not be aware of.

If you believe you’re ignoring your health, now is the time to do something about that. Take a step forward today.

Partnered Post. May contain affiliate links.

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