Ingenious Ways Mums Can Grow Their Money Tree

A plant growing out of a jar of pennies

Parenting can be expensive. As every dollar counts and every moment offers opportunities, smart mums know that growing money is more than a necessity, it’s an art. Below are some effective strategies to help mothers not only save some cash but transform them into flourishing financial gardens.

Whether it’s managing household budgets stealthily or saving more for future dreams, here’s how you can turn financial dreams into realities.

Why I Dropped ‘Money’ From Savvymamma

When I started my Instagram page three years ago, I called myself moneysavvymamma. It was a bit random but I tried to find one that was unique and was available. I wanted to describe myself and my passions in a few simple words. I thought we were doing okay with money. My husband and I […]

Raising Money-Savvy Kids: A Guide for Parents

Alongside toilet training, table manners and making the bed, managing money is an important skill to learn. As parents, we have a responsibility to teach financial literacy to our children from an early age.

Their little brains are like sponges. They are eager to learn, watch closely and try to imitate us. It is better to start positive money habits young than try to correct them later.

Tax Troubles: How To Avoid Them

Getting into debt is one thing, but tax troubles are an entirely different story. Governments can be punitive if you don’t pay them the money they claim you owe.  The trick here is to avoid getting into tax difficulties in the first place. While ATO debt forgiveness is available for people who find themselves in […]

It’s Ok To Spend Money

It's ok to spend money... a poem

I have always prided myself on getting a bargain. I love the thrill of finding things on sale. I love seeing my money go further.

More recently though, I have realised that I need to shop smarter. I have changed the way that I spend money.

My Financial Story – Confessions of A Shopaholic At Heart

Melanie Wegener, Money Savvy Mamma

I have a confession to make about my financial story. I haven’t always been good with money. In fact, I’m more of a collector and spender than minimalist and saver. It’s just who I am.

I realise that it’s a bit ironic that I have a page about being money savvy. For many financial bloggers or finfluencers, they are great with money. It’s who they are, it’s what they do.

How To Keep Warm In Winter Without Blowing Your Energy Bill

How to keep warm in winter without blowing your energy bills

With energy prices going through the roof and cold weather well and truly upon us, it is important to think about how we can keep warm in winter. No one wants to choose between putting food on the table or putting the heater on. We all deserve adequate comfort in our homes when the temperature […]

An Ode To AfterPay

happy woman shopping online, maybe using AfterPay

AfterPay and other Buy Now Pay Later Schemes: you either love them or you hate them. Some people love the convenience. They like not having to pay upfront. They can buy what they want, even if they can’t afford it right then and there.

Other people (like me) are not impressed with these schemes. They prey on those who have low financial literacy. They know that customers will spend more money this way. They realise that businesses are slugged with fees but miss out on potential customers if they don’t offer it.

Buy Now Pay Later schemes appeal to people because it seems really easy. It makes the amount to pay seem small. It gives people a false sense of security. It entices customers to buy now and not worry about how they will pay for it. After all, it’s only four easy payments and you don’t have to worry about it now.

Why Keeping Up With The Joneses Can Steal Our Joy

Fancy house and car

It’s only human to want what others have. We compare ourselves to others without even realising it. Have you noticed the growing pressure to spend more and own nice things? I feel like there are growing expectations for us to have a high standard of living. I think that some of us want the first […]

Spending Time With Your Partner: Date Ideas That Won’t Break The Bank

Melanie Wegener When we meet that special someone, we usually make it a priority to get to know them in a fun way. We enjoy going out together, discovering new places, doing activities and trying new restaurants. It’s new and exciting and wonderful. Once you’ve been together for a while or children come along, it […]

There Will Never Be A Perfect Time, So Stop With The Excuses

Melanie Wegener There will never be a ‘perfect’ time to save money, pay off debt, begin investing, become generous, get fit or lose weight. There may be times when it will be easier but you can still try and make changes in the season that you are in now. At the moment, I’m so exhausted. […]

10 Reasons You’ll Love Investing With Pearler

If you’re wondering what all the talk around Pearler is, you’re not alone. It’s the new investing platform, born and bred in Australia. It’s rapidly growing with over fifty thousand members strong. Pearler is an online broker. It all began a few years back in 2018 when some friends got together. They had limited options […]

WeMoney Review

Melanie Wegener Have you heard of WeMoney? It’s a free finance app which was only released to the public for download in 2020. It’s your one-stop shop for all things finance. They have so many features, it is worth signing up for and having a look. Here are 14 reasons that I love WeMoney: 1. […]

11 Tips To Improve Your Finances

Many of us wish we’d known then what we know now. If only…  if only…  if only. Life is full of moments of hindsight. Know that things can change. You can change. There are a few steps and choices that you can make today that will positively impact your future.