Reflecting On Covid Isolation: Why It Wasn’t All Bad

Melanie Wegener

Adjusting to life in Covid isolation was a lot to take in. These were unprecedented times. Never in our lifetime had we experienced such a global health pandemic, financial challenge or social distancing measures than we were currently facing.

When it all got real in Australia and our prime minister began regular media conferences, I found it unsettling and stressful. I’d just start to wrap my head around one restriction, only for this to change several days or even hours later. I felt like everything I did, and every decision I made was wrong somehow.

As a stay at home mother to two young children, I felt the isolation profoundly. I didn’t have an escape. All of our regular activities had been cancelled.

We couldn’t go to Mainly Music. Playdates. Library story time and borrowing. Toy library.  Kindergym. MomCo. Nature playgroup. Church with crèche and children’s programs. This meant that my boys didn’t have any opportunity to socialise or interact with other children. I couldn’t vent or cry with my friends.

During Covid isolation, I wasn’t allowed to see extended family. I couldn’t have girls’ nights. I couldn’t play netball. Occasional care was cancelled. I wasn’t getting a break, and that was extremely challenging.

We started going to playgrounds every day. It was a great excuse to escape the house and discover new playgrounds we often didn’t have time for. We were loving the fresh air and sunshine, and a new way of getting out.

Suddenly, a decision was made to close playgrounds. I was devastated. This was the only thing left and now they were taking it away. Although I could logically understand their reasoning, it felt so cruel. I was angry. I was pretty sure that the person making this decision was not home with energetic young children

I felt trapped. What on earth were we meant to do now? Where could we go? How do you entertain children who can’t sit still long enough to do crafts saved on Instagram or seen on PlaySchool? My boys had lots of energy and needed to explore.

Playgrounds are perfect for blowing off energy, climbing, jumping, spinning, sliding, swinging, bouncing and pretending. How was I meant to achieve this same level of gross motor skill development without these open? Bunnings and Kmart had sold out of slippery dips and most play equipment. Marketplace and Gumtree were the same. Mothers all had the same idea. Darn.

We began spending more time outside. Our backyard was perfect for jumping on the trampoline, balancing on the wall, hiding behind the shed, jumping in muddy trenches, playing cars in the dirt and riding bikes. In the front yard, they dug holes, threw balls, swung on the swing, drew with chalk and had picnics.

We started going for walks. Sometimes, twice a day. We just had to get out of the house and this made us happier. I left the double pram set up in the carport. The simple fact that I didn’t have to lug it out of the car every time encouraged me to use it more. We easily reached our goal of 1000 Hours Outside.

Our preschooler was super excited to go to the traffic lights and press the button, whilst our toddler squealed at seeing them change colour. We went for little hikes in the local conservation park and saw great views. We spotted koalas, kangaroos and kookaburras.

We explored forests and collected pine cones. We went to the beach and watched big machines cart sand. We chased seagulls and collected shells. We walked for kilometres along the foreshore. It filled my tank and made me so happy. The boys were content too.

We slept better. I had more time in the day. Less packing for the morning, rushing to get out of the house early, yelling to hurry up and get the shoes. Less time was spent unpacking once we were home and rushing to get lunch organised. My hand which had been painful for months, suddenly improved. It was simply because I wasn’t using it as much.

We saved money on petrol because it was so cheap and we weren’t driving anywhere near as much. We didn’t have entry fees to pay for. We weren’t buying birthday presents or eating out or going on holidays.

I had more time in the day to play with my kids. They had more time to play too. I could get the washing done and put away. I could occasionally clean. I spent more time cooking and loved it.

Our family had benefitted immensely from this enforced slower pace of life, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. I got used to isolation. We fell into a rhythm.

With the talk of easing restrictions, I felt stressed out. I felt shy. I didn’t know how to be social anymore.

I wasn’t ready to face the world just yet. I wasn’t ready for my diary to be full again and events to be invited to. I wasn’t ready for parties and baby showers, for nights out or ditching the trackies and ugg boots.

I wasn’t ready to trade my comfy bed and streaming in the evenings for meetings and playing outdoor netball. I’m sure many parents dreaded taking on the role of taxi driver again.

For all the things that we had lost and grieved, we had gained other things. More family life. More puzzles and board games. More walks and hikes in nature. More fun in the simple and free.

In many ways, I wasn’t ready for isolation to end. It made me think about how I want things to look different. I don’t want to go back to the way my life was.

I want my new normal to become a new beginning.

How did the Covid restrictions affect you and your family?

I’d love to hear from you below or connect with you over on Instagram or Facebook. You can find discount codes here or on Linktree.

Melanie Wegener

One Response

  1. I found isolation hard since they put restrictions in place because i had to keep my almost 1 year old out of child care for almost 2 months because of her having a operation and i didn’t want her getting sick with a infection. But she finally went back this week but i still did not get time to myself because we were busy packing to move this week

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