He Put A Gun To My Head: Jayde’s Escape From Domestic Violence

Jayde’s escape from domestic violence is simply chilling. She was one of the lucky ones. One of the women who got away.
The statistics are shocking: one woman every week is murdered by their current or former partner in Australia. Domestic homicide makes the headlines far too often.
Something needs to change. This is not okay.
Jayde thought she had met the love of her life but she couldn’t have been further from the truth. Here is her story.
Equal Pay, Equal Play? Time For Equality In Tennis

Is it time we had true equality for tennis? At this time of year, I love watching the Australian Open. It’s part of our summer tradition. As someone who didn’t grow up playing tennis, I watch on in admiration as they play. They are highly talented sportspeople. I can’t help but feel inspired. I love […]
On International Women’s Day

March 8 marks International Women’s Day. People around the world take time to reflect on what the past looked like for women, what it looks like now and what we hope to see in the future. It is about education. It is about coming together. It is about action. It is about change. Women deserve […]
How To Do It All As A Woman

As a woman, we can feel pressure to do it all. We have high expectations of ourselves. We feel the expectations of others too. The weight can be suffocating.
When you ask Google; how to do it all as a, this is what comes up.
Woman. Working mom. Single mom. Mom. These are the top four answers.
I didn’t see man or working dad or single dad or dad come up as an option. Why is that?
This is because we rarely refer to men as working fathers. Their success is boxed into different roles. As a successful CEO. As an entrepreneur. As an author. As a talented footballer. As an amazing father.